April 27

Zombie Attack in the Graveyard

Emergency, Emergency Fox News reporting, zombies are attacking. They have been seen in a graveyard. We have checked the area, and there are kids fighting against the zombies to save their city. The kids are winning, and beating the zombies with PAPER! After we found the kids parents the kids had almost beaten all of the zombies, just a few more to go. Wait what’s that in the distance? Oh no! More zombies look out! Let’s get them guys. Paper ball, after paper ball the kids beat the zombies. The kids looked around to make sure the zombies were all gone. The coast was clear, no more zombies in sight. The kids are heros to this city, because they saved the day! The zombie fighting kids all earned a medal from the mayor, because they saved the city, world, and day! After that, the kids went to get ice cream they ordered the zombie spectacular. They had a great afternoon after that. With no more zombies in sight!